Bodyguard | Netflix | Another fantastic edge of the seat, British Thriller with an odd ending.

It has been a while since a quality British thriller hit the small screen and the trailer of Bodyguard (2018) suggested that the wait might go on for a little longer. Bodyguard, starring Richard Madden (David Budd) and Keeley Hawes (Home Secretary Julia Montague) was griping from the word go. A fantastic opening episode introduces us to the Special Protection Office David Budd, through a tense, brilliantly acted out sequence of a terror attempt in a train.

The traumatized war veteran is assigned the duty of Special Protection Officer of the highly volatile, yet motivated Home Secretary Julia Montague whose controversial comments earn her both high praise as well as powerful enemies. The acting by all the supporting cast including, but not limited to Sophie RundleAsh TandonNina Toussaint-White  and Anjli Mohindra is brilliant to say the least.

The series is edge of the seat stuff. If one is willing to let go of the plot holes like the basic - How on earth does a traumatized war hero get himself employed as a SPO of the who is who of the government? - this is absolute fun. The proper (yet strange) ending after 6 episodes make it a binge-worthy watch. I would definitely recommend this one for British-Thriller lovers. 


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