Money Heist | La casa de papel | Netflix | A classic thriller with more oomph than dud moments.

Money Heist came in as a highly recommended series , by many of my friends and it did not disappoint. Its an 'almost masterpiece' which at times failed to keep up with the dizzying plot build up that it had over the first few episodes. It's about a group of robbers spearheaded by the meticulous mastermind 'El Profesor' (Álvaro Morte) who plans to rob the 'The Royal Mint' by printing 2.4 billion Euros and thereby accomplishing the biggest heist ever !
Like most of the heist stories of our times, the group is carefully assembled together from scratch by the brain of the whole operation and here its the Professor. He teaches and prepares the team of robbers for 6 months so that they can pull off the perfect heist and go by their chosen city names. Thus, the calm and composed  Berlín (Pedro Alonso), hothead and narrator/heroine Tokio (Úrsula Corberó) , genius counterfeiter Nairobi ( Alba Flores),  computer whizkid Río (Miguel Herrán) , the father son duo of Denver and Moscow and the muscles of the twin brothers come together to take hostages and lock out the Royal Mint as they go about their business of printing Money. On the other side of the fence is the brilliant Raquel Murillo ( Itziar Ituño) who heads the investigation against the Professors team. 

Money Heist has its fair share of ups and downs throughout and some of the plot twists could not have been timed any better. Even with all that what got to my nerve is the fact that is the character of Tokio, from whose point of view the whole heist is explained. Every single time something goes south in the plan we know whom to point to fingers at and this was probably a masterstroke by the creator  Álex Pina. It always add to the intrigue when you dislike the main character and yet love the plot. 
I ended up binge watching both the seasons of 'Money Heist ' and loved it for most parts. If you are into thriller genre and can ignore a few unwanted (read - boring) scenes you would end up loving the series like I did. The fact that they ended it properly after the second season is a huge plus point and this is something I would definitely recommend to anybody who love thrillers and can ignore small deficiencies and yeah, the writers definitely believed in the phrase 'love is blind and stupid'.


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